This past Sunday I had the honor singing with Hässelby Kammarkör and conductor Karin Krigsman Järnskoog in Hässelby Villastads kyrka, Stockholm. Together with excellent instrumentalists Paul Höglander, Cecilia Olsson and Jörgen Lindström we created a colourful concert with world music, folk music and Missa Nova Sofiae by contemporary composer Nina Åkerblom Nielsen.
Tomorrow I will meet Marinens Musikkår (The Royal Swedish Navy Band) again! We have made many wonderful concerts together through the years and this time we will go on a short tour with music connected to the journey at sea made by Horatio Hornblower (from the story by C. S. Forester). Alexander Hanson is conductor and the concert host is Lars Hjertner.
Here below some concert memories with Bromma Folkhögskola, where I teach singing, from the beginning of this year!
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