Time flies...St Matthew Passion has reached its ending... In one way it feels as if the production at Folkoperan started yesterday. On the other hand it feels like all people involved have known each other for ages!
The last performance this last Sunday ended with a warm response from the audience with standing ovations, and on stage a strong emotional moment of love and tears... We have shared together a very special and unifying period of time. This production has ment a lot for so many people and I am so grateful for being a part of this project, for all the magnificent musical moments and for the opportunity to not only share the story from my own innermost, but also experience the opened hearts of others!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to:...my beloved husband Christoffer Holgersson (Chorus Master)!
Joshua Sofaer (Director) for your brilliant idea of St Matthew Passion, and for your love, sensibility and caring!
Maria Lindal (Musical Director) for your beautiful playing, for your brave musical ideas and for your inspiring output and energy!
...the fantastic soloists and friends forever; Janna Vettergren, Conny Thimander, Lars Arvidson, Katarina Henryson (The Real Group), Emma Nilsdotter (TRG), Anders Edenroth (TRG), Morten Vinther (TRG) and Anders Jalkéus (TRG)!!! Love you all!!
The incredible singers from Adolf Fredrik church's youth choir and Hägersten's youth choir!
The amazing orchestra Rebaroque!
And to Folkoperan for a wonderful production!
The Real Group
Joshua Sofaer
Janna Vettergren
Conny Thimander
Christoffer Holgersson

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