The 5 year anniversary of Höör Baroque Festival was celebrated yesterday in a crouded Höörs kyrka. I feel fortunate...
...being a part of this festival and for meeting and singing with such incredible musicians!
Yesterday I got the opportunity to sing the G F Händel masterpiece Salve Regina once more. The first time I sang the piece was during this festival a couple of years ago, and it has since then captured my heart! It includes every colour of expression, from despair to devotion, and offers both drama and peacefulness.
After the intermission I joined in the Henry Purcell music, doing beautiful songs as Sweeter than roses, Hark! the echoing air and Ah! how sweet it is to love.
Thanks to all wonderful co-musicians for fantastic playing!!
Special warm thanks to the festival founders; Emelie Roos, Dohyo Sol and Kanerva Juutilainen, and to the musical leader Dan Laurin.
More information about the festival:

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