I'm so happy and thankful for the past weekend! About 1300 people...
...came and enjoyed the Christmas Concerts "En stjärna skiner i natten" (A shining star at night) in Pingstkyrkan, Lidköping. Three concerts filled with our most beloved Christmas songs, both Swedish and international ones. True Christmas joy was created, and artists and musicians on stage, as well as the audience, were blessed with the Christmas story and the most important message to the world; Peace and Love!
Thank you all involved in this success; Ingemar Sixtensson (producer and host), Anna Sixtensson (musical and artistic leader), Pingstkyrkan Lidköping, David Gyllingsten with orchestra, my fantastic duet partner Mattias Johansson, the wonderful choir including soloists!
A Merry and Blessed Christmas to you all!!

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