What a success! The Norwegian Soloists' Choir and the Mahler Chamber Orchestra were a perfect match and performed the Choral Fantasy by Beethoven and Friede auf Erden by Schönberg beautifully and with an extraordinary brilliance! Special thanks to amazing pianist and conductor Leif Ove Andsnes as well as to wonderful conductor Grete Pedersen!
I'm very pleased with my first visit to the Bergen International Festival as well as with my first performance with the Norwegian Soloists' Choir! Let's hope we meet again...!
They say that it's always raining in Bergen....but I must say that I have been lucky... It rained when we arrived yesterday, but since then it has been almost blue sky and sunshine...! As my visit ends I am now listening to beautiful raindrops outside my open window as I pack my bags for a very early flight to Copenhagen tomorrow morning. A private event is waiting for me in the south part of Sweden. Let's get some sleep....!
Det Norske Solistkor
Bergen International Festival
Mahler Chamber Orchestra

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