What a glorious night in a full seated Royal Albert Hall during Prom 18! The audience was thrilled and entranced by the magnificent music of Sirens by Anders Hillborg!
I am so grateful and joyful for the opportunity to sing and perform the totally amazing Sirens by Anders Hillborg again! And to get such brilliant and absolutely wonderful co-musicians as the BBC Symphony Chorus, the BBC Symphony Orchestra, conductor James Gaffigan, and soprano Ida Falk Winland, it's just a bliss! Thank you all!!!
And I'm just moving on from one masterpiece by Hillborg to another! Yesterday we did an upbeat for the upcoming preimer of the music as well as the film Aeterna. The premier will take part during the Baltic Sea Festival August the 23rd. During the first meeting yesterday we met with composer Anders Hillborg and the film-makers Fredrik Wenzel and Jesper Kurlandsky. We also got to see a first version of the film. Looking forward to be a part of this fantastic fusion of arts!
One of the aims of the Baltic Sea Festival is to highlight the important environmental issues. Anders Hillborg’s new work for choir and orchestra Aeterna is a collaboration with the film-makers Fredrik Wenzel and Jesper Kurlandsky.
During the concerts a work-in-progress version of the feature film Aeterna will be shown. A contemplative odyssey of sound and vision that portrays our future in a thought-provoking manner. The music is first performed by the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Swedish Radio Choir, Hayk Hakobyan, duduk,
and soprano Hannah Holgersson, led by Esa-Pekka Salonen.
More information on:
Aeterna Baltic Sea Festival 2017

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